Connecting People to God, and to One Another

This Sunday

September 15, 2024

10:00 AM


Walking With Joseph Series:

"The Bones Of Joseph"

Genesis 50:22-26; Philippians 3:20

Lead Pastor Dr. David W. Price


Livestream On Sundays
10:00 AM on
Church Website
Sermon Audio Also Available
Click Resources Tab
then Archived Worship Service
Audio and Video

This Week
Thu 09/12-8:00 A Prayer (Zoom)
Thu 09/12-10:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, LS
Thu 09/12-11:00 A Pastor's Bible Study, FH
Thu 09/12-6:30 P Bible Study (Zoom)
Sat 09/14-9:00 A Board of Director's Meeting
Sun 09/15-10:00 A Worship, S, LS
Sun 09/15-11:00 A Fellowship Time
This Week
Time Zone:
Location Key:





The Great Outdoors Community Church Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is a branch of the Outreach Ministry.  It begins with prayer requests being sent to the office via phone (321-383-0303) or by email ( Georgi or Leanne will then post via email the requests for prayer to the Prayer Chain List as they are received in accordance with the below policy:

Prayer List and Prayer Chain Submissions (Rev. 6/10/2024)

The Great Outdoors Community Church is committed to a strong belief in the power of prayer. It also recognizes that prayer needs to and must be effectively communicated to the body of believers so that appropriate prayers may be offered to God.

  • Prayer requests for the prayer chain must be given by written request form, phone, or by email to the church office. If the prayer request is not your own, you must have the permission of the person you are requesting prayer for.
  • Prayer requests pertaining to anyone who is attending GOCC or immediate family member will be sent out on the prayer chain.
  • Individuals who are not attending GOCC or who are not immediate family will be sent out on the prayer chain only unless specifically requested.
  • Prayer request forms are available outside of the church office door or in the office or can be downloaded and printed. Please fill the form out as accurately as possible. If you are sending an email or calling in the request, please provide as much information as possible such as the name of the person, their consent has been given, your name and phone number.
  • Visitation Pastors are available to talk with whomever is requesting prayer. Please indicate if you need a pastor as well
  • All memorials of attendees of GOCC will be sent out on the prayer chain and posted in the bulletin for one week unless otherwise requested.
  • Placing a person on the war zone list will require the name of the person, the branch of service he/she is serving in and the individual’s relationship to our membership.

Thank you